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Clatford Church of England

Primary School

Learn and Grow Together with Love, Respect and Courage

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Religious Education and Collective Worship

As a church school we seek through RE to promote the religious, spiritual, moral and cultural development of our children. We enable children to reflect upon and respond to religious and spiritual beliefs, practices, insights and experiences. The experiences offered to our children are based on the beliefs and traditions of Christianity. We follow the Local Authority’s syllabus ‘Living Differences III’ and personalise it to our children through Understanding Christianity. We explore other religions such as Islam, Judaism and Hinduism in order to deepen understanding in a multi-cultural and multi-faith world. We promote good Christian values in everything we do. The Foundation Governors of the school take a lead in this area. Currently the Chair of Governors and the Vicar meet regularly to monitor our provision and ensure that we provide quality experiences for the children so they can develop as citizens of the world.


All children take part in an act of Collective Worship every day. We have prayers at the end of each day, before meals and on special occasions. All children are invited to take part and show respect for each other. These are opportunities for them to take time to reflect on a Christian value or have a quiet moment in a busy day and to develop their spiritual awareness. Through our link with the local parish, the Vicar comes in regularly to lead school prayers, and is supported by others from the parish. They help the well-being of the whole school community. We are able to use both the school and the nearby church St. Peter’s, in our life together.


Parents have the right to withdraw their children from collective worship and may request this in writing to the Headteacher. However, it is the hope of the staff and governors that, in choosing to send their children to this Church School, parents will be happy to allow children to participate.


  • Clatford Church of England Primary School
  • Village Street, Goodworth Clatford, Andover
  • Hampshire, SP11 7RE
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