10th January 2025
10th January 2025
Dear Parents and carers,
I would like to start by wishing you all a happy New Year.
It’s been great to welcome the children back to school this week. This is the beginning of our term of Respect and we will be talking to the children about all the things they can be doing to demonstrate this important value at home and in school. This week we have also been celebrating Epiphany in our school worships.
Could I please ask for your support in sending back to school any phonics books or library books you may have at home. Lots of children have changed phonics groups this term, and it has become apparent that we are missing quite a few of them. We would be very grateful for any you can find over the weekend and return on Monday.
You may have heard the news that Hampshire Education Catering will be closing over the next year. Over the last year, we had been investigating other catering companies that could work with us and have decided to make the move to a company called Dolce. This will happen at the end of this term. Dolce have taken over the kitchens of a few other local schools including Vigo Primary School and Balksbury infant and junior School and when I have gone over to visit, I have been very impressed by both the quality of the food and the company ethos.
I will be sending more information out about this change over the course of the term, but for now I just wanted to make you aware of what was happening. The cost of the meals will remain the same as it is now but there will be differences in how you order the meals (using an app) and how the menus look.
Don’t forget that clubs start again next week for all children which I am sure they are all looking forward to.
Yours sincerely,
Mr M Kirk
Dates for your diary
15th January: Y5 Trip to Intech, Science Museum
22nd January: YR to Y2 Drama Workshop (in school)
3rd February: Y1 Trip to SeaCity Museum
3rd February: Y4 Trip to Southampton Art Gallery
5th February: Y3 Fishbourne Roman Palace
17th February – 21st of February: Spring Half Term
10th March: Y2 Trip to Windsor Castle
19th March: Y3 Orchestra Unwrapped at The Anvil
25th March: YR Trip to Longdown Activity Farm
26th March: Y3 Trip to Pizza Express
3rd – 4th April: Y6 Bikeability
7th April – 21st April: Easter Holiday
29th April: YR Trip to Hillier Gardens
26th May – 30th May: Summer Half Term
3rd June: Y4 Trip to Great Hall & Winchester Cathedral
10th June: Y2 Trip to Living Rainforest
17th June: Class photos
18th June: Y3 Trip to Kew Gardens
19th June: Y6 Leavers Service at Winchester Cathedral
30th June – 2nd July KS2 Play
6th – 9th July: Y6 Residential to Osmington Bay
21st July – 2nd September: Summer Holiday (including 2 INSET days on 21st and 22nd July)