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Clatford Church of England

Primary School

Learn and Grow Together with Love, Respect and Courage

Get in touch

18th October 2024

Dear Parents and carers,                                                                            18th October 2024


This week our theme, connected with Love, has been patience in all of its forms. I have definitely seen it flourishing in our school as when I was showing some parents around the school yesterday we had doors held open for us, whilst children waited patiently, on three separate occasions. I was a very proud Headteacher.


Next Tuesday morning it is exciting to be hosting the first of our two open mornings on Tuesday, where I know our children will be doing a brilliant job of showing potential Clatford families around, and telling them what we are all about.


Wednesday we have school photos, so it’s a good day to make sure ties are on straight and shirts are tucked in. We also have a large cross-country event in the afternoon, which is due to have around 60 children from KS2 attending. Thank you for everyone helping with transport for this event. Please can all children come to school in school uniform and bring PE kit in a bag if they are attending the cross-country.


Year three are out at Stonehenge next Thursday, as part of their History curriculum. After school at 3:30pm, we have a ‘Cuppa with Senco’ event, all about Individual Education Plans. What do they look like? What do they do? How can they help? Does my child need one? Drop in and find out if you’re interested.


Not abnormally for this time of year, we have some bugs going around in school. Could you ensure that if your child has sickness or diarrhoea they do not return to school until 48 hours have passed since the last instance. As a parent myself I know that this can be frustrating and disruptive, but it is really important with regards to stopping these bugs spreading through the school.


Parents evening information will be emailed to you on Monday next week, along with a link for the online booking system.



Christmas cards will be coming home with your child from the PTA at some point over the next week. We have completed their designs in school so all you need to do is take a look and follow the instructions for ordering on the form. If you are ordering any, you will need to return the designs to school by Monday 4Th November.


I know that the PTA met this week and have produced a newsletter, which you should find attached to the same email as this one. Please support them and us by reading it and ysupporting their events next week.


Wishing you all a restful and healthy weekend,


Mr M Kirk


Please note – new dates overleaf are highlighted in yellow.

Dates for your Diary


22nd October: Open Morning for prospective Year R parents

23rd October: School Photos (individual & family)

23rd October: KS2 Cross Country afternoon

24th October: Y3 Trip to Stonehenge

24th October: Cuppa with SENCO at school

25th October: Non uniform day, bake sale, uniform sale

28th October – 1st November: Autumn Half-Term

5th and 6th of November: Face-to-face Parents Evenings (Y6)

6th and 7th of November: Face-to-Face Parents Evening (YR-5)

11th – 15th of November: Anti-Bullying Week

12th November: School Bookfair

15th November: Children in Need

18th November: Y4 Tree planting

21st November: Y6 Trip to Steam Museum

21st November: School Disco

25th November: Y4 Trip to Ufton Court

26th November: Whole School Flu Immunisation

29th November – School Christingle Service

2nd December: INSET Day

11th December: Year R Nativity (9:30am) Y1/2 Nativity (2pm)

12th December: Y1/2 Nativity (9:45am)

12th December: Cuppa with SENCO

18th December: School Carol Concert (end of the school day)

19th December: Pantomime Day

20th December: School Christmas Dinner

23rd December – 3rd January: Christmas Holiday

6th January: Return to School

15th January: Y5 Trip to Intech, Science Museum

5th February: Y3 Fishbourne Roman Palace

17th February – 21st of February: Spring Half Term

10th March: Y2 Windsor Castle

19th March: Y3 Orchestra Unwrapped

26th March: Y3 Pizza Express

3rd – 4th April: Y6 Bikeability

7th April – 21st April: Easter Holiday

29th April: YR Trip to Hillier Gardens

26th May – 30th May: Summer Half Term

10th June: Y2 Living Rainforest

17th June: Class photos

18th June: Y3 Trip to Kew Gardens

19th June: Y6 Leavers Service at Winchester Cathedral

30th June – 2nd July KS2 Play

6th – 9th July: Y6 Residential to Osmington Bay

21st July – 2nd September: Summer Holiday (including 2 INSET days on 21st and 22nd July)


  • Clatford Church of England Primary School
  • Village Street, Goodworth Clatford, Andover
  • Hampshire, SP11 7RE
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