31st January 2025
31st January 2025
Dear Parents and carers,
This week in school, we have been talking about what we can do to ensure that people have a sense of belonging. This is particularly relevant at the moment as we have had several new families join the school this week. I know you will join me in making sure they all feel welcome as part of our Clatford family.
I’ve had a brilliant time in Year 1 this morning, when I got to see all of their amazing snowdrop drawings and at the other end of the school, I got to see some Year 6 perspective drawings in the afternoon.
On Monday, the Junior Road Safety Officers led a school worship about safety on the roads and I know that lots of the children have been busy colouring in their pictures of cycling helmets for the associated colouring competition.
On Tuesday morning next week, KS2 have a treat, as an author (Peter Murray) is coming to visit the school and will be spending some time with the children to share some expert writing tips. Peter Murray will then be available on Wednesday after school to sell and sign books, which start at £7.00. We would say the books are definitely aimed at KS2.
Please see the attached flyer from the PTA, with some exciting news from them and some dates to add to the diary.
I have also attached a flyer this week about internet safety and setting up parent controls on technology. Internet safety is something that every household does differently, but parental controls on devices, apps and consoles are definitely a big part of the toolkit we can use to keep children safe.
At school I get a daily report about the children’s internet use, which I check daily, and this tells me if any pupil in the school has attempted to access material that is blocked by our filtering system. If I find there is something troubling that your child has attempted to access, I would then give the parent/carer a call to let them know.
Wishing you all a restful weekend,
Yours sincerely,
Mr M Kirk
Dates for your diary
3rd February: Y1 Trip to SeaCity Museum
3rd February: Y4 Trip to Southampton Art Gallery
5th February: Y3 Fishbourne Roman Palace
6th February: PTA Meeting (3:30pm)
12th February: YR to Y2 Drama Workshop (in school)
14th February: PTA bake sale, uniform sale and non-uniform day
17th February – 21st of February: Spring Half Term
6th March: World Book Day
10th March: Y2 Trip to Windsor Castle
19th March: Y3 Orchestra Unwrapped at The Anvil
25th March: YR Trip to Longdown Activity Farm
26th March: Y3 Trip to Pizza Express
27th and 25th March: Parents Evenings
28th March: PTA Family Quiz Night (save the date, details to follow)
3rd – 4th April: Y6 Bikeability
7th April – 21st April: Easter Holiday
29th April: YR Trip to Hillier Gardens
26th May – 30th May: Summer Half Term
3rd June: Y4 Trip to Great Hall & Winchester Cathedral
10th June: Y2 Trip to Living Rainforest
17th June: Class photos
18th June: Y3 Trip to Kew Gardens
19th June: Y6 Leavers Service at Winchester Cathedral
30th June – 2nd July KS2 Play
6th – 9th July: Y6 Residential to Osmington Bay
21st July – 2nd September: Summer Holiday (including 2 INSET days on 21st and 22nd July)