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Clatford Church of England

Primary School

Learn and Grow Together with Love, Respect and Courage

Get in touch

4th July 2024

5th June 2024


Dear Parents and carers,


I wanted to write to you today to remind you of a few things occurring at school next week. However, before I do that I couldn’t let the week finish without saying another big thank you to everyone who has helped make the Pirates of the Curry Bean such a fantastic success. The costumes looked amazing, the singing and dancing was fantastic and the character acting was an exceptional. Thank you to all the talented children involved!


I know it involved logistical difficulties for some of you with drop-offs and pick-ups changing and so I also wanted to say again how grateful we were of your support. I have also been very grateful to the staff team who supported and Mrs. Coles who directed a show that was entertaining, funny and slick. I have shared the pictures with KS2 parents already, but if you haven’t seen them yet, please check out the links below.




This week we have also managed to fit in a visit by an author for years R,1,2,3 and 4. The children were introduced to Icky Doo Dah and were given a creative writers workshop by Simon Murray who both wrote and illustrated the book.


Yesterday, KS2 had a Grand Debate to celebrate our country’s democracy. We planned and delivered speeches, focusing on persuasive reasoning and public speaking skills, made posters and managed to respectfully but constructively disagree with one another throughout the afternoon. The children were impressive in their delivery and we finished the afternoon with a vote on the issue we had been debating.


Sports Day will be next week on Friday, with the same arrangements and timings as today would have been. Again, just a reminder that we have limited seating only at this event. The PTA (who have supplied lollies for children at the end of the event) have a limited number of cold drinks they will be selling at the event as well.


Next week Year 6 have their residential, so we will be wishing them the best of luck on their travels. Year 2 also have a gymnastics festival to go to on Tuesday.


On Thursday afternoon, the children will be taught by their teachers for next year. They should also be bringing home an information letter from their new class teacher with some information about the next year at school. Please have a look before the Summer and feel free to contact the school with any further questions you have about their transition. 



Many thanks,  


Mr M Kirk


Dates for your Diary


7th July: Y6 Residential to Osmington Bay (3 nights)

9th July: Year 2 Gymnastics Festival

11th July: Transition Afternoon (children meet their new teachers)

12th July: Sports Day (All parents welcome from 1pm)

15th-16th July: Y6 Bikeability

17th July: Y2 Leavers Service 9:30am, St. Peter’s Church (Y2 parents only)

17th July: Y6 Leavers Service 1:45pm, St. Peter’s Church (Y6 parents only)

23rd July: Last day of term

2nd September: INSET Day

3rd September: Children return to school and start in their new year groups.

2nd October: Harvest Festival (KS1 am, KS2 pm – parents welcome)

4th October: INSET Day

7th – 9th October: Year 5 Residential

28th October – 1st November: Autumn Half-Term

29th November – School Christingle Service

2nd December: INSET Day

23rd December – 3rd January: Christmas Holiday

6th January: INSET Day

17th February – 21st of February: Spring Half Term

7th April – 21st April: Easter Holiday

23rd May: INSET Day

26th May – 30th May: Summer Half Term

23rd July – 2nd September: Summer Holiday


  • Clatford Church of England Primary School
  • Village Street, Goodworth Clatford, Andover
  • Hampshire, SP11 7RE
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