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Clatford Church of England

Primary School

Learn and Grow Together with Love, Respect and Courage

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Admissions - Additional Information for Service Families

Service Families

A growing number of our children currently live within the Military community.

It is of paramount importance to us that all of our children, regardless of when they transition to our school, feel secure and safe within our environment. Due to the small nature of our community, we are able to deliver bespoke intervention of need; whether it is educational or emotional thereby ensuring that every child succeeds.

We employ two trained ELSA’s who will, if required, work on a one to one basis with any child who needs emotional support whilst in our care.  The school also has several employees who have connections with the military and who are happy to support in any way they can.

We are looking at developing stronger links with our parents and serving units by engaging with local Army Welfare Officers (AWO), local preschool groups and the Military community.

The Pupil Premium we receive is spent in support of our Forces pupils and you can find information about how we spend this budget on our 'Pupil Premium' page.

Please find below links to organisations that you may find useful:

The Children's Education Advisory Service website: https://www.gov.uk/childrens-education-advisory-service 

Little Troopers: http://www.littletroopers.net/


A Guide to School Admissions for Service Children in England

A video funded by Forces Connect South East, and produced by Hampshire County Council, provides details on the steps that Forces families need to take to secure a school place for their child, with key application dates.

This video with contributions from school leaders, the forces federations, Local Authority representatives, Councillor Andrew Joy, Hampshire's Armed Forces Champion, and most importantly families and children, provides practical clarity for families, exemplifies the processes and challenges that are faced, alongside the high level of support we expect of each other

Please click on the link below to access; A Guide to School Admissions for Service Children in England: 




  • Clatford Church of England Primary School
  • Village Street, Goodworth Clatford, Andover
  • Hampshire, SP11 7RE
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