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Clatford Church of England

Primary School

Learn and Grow Together with Love, Respect and Courage

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Coronavirus Update

Dear Parents, 


This is just a quick update about the school's response following the weekend's coronavirus updates. As you may be aware, the DFE have now advised that staff should wear masks in communal areas. This has begun from today and in our school it will apply to any area outside the classroom or the office. 


Over the next few weeks, we have some events planned where you have been invited into school. Based on the current levels of coronavirus in the school, and the current set of advice that we have been given, these can still go ahead. Could I please ask that anyone who attends one of these in school events, wears a mask at all times unless exempt. Could I also ask you to complete a lateral-flow test prior to attendance. If you wish to order some in advance I have included the link below. 


Lateral Flow Test Ordering Site



I am monitoring ventilation daily in school to ensure good flow of air around the classrooms, high-touch areas continue to be cleaned more regularly and staff are heightening their cleaning regime. As a school we currently have an extremely low number of cases but it is important we do not become complacent in the face of this and we do everything we can. 


In the event that I receive further guidance or at the point that the number of infections in our school start to rise, it may be necessary to take further precautions. I will let you all know immediately should this be the case. 

In the meantime, stay safe and well and I look forward to seeing you on Friday for our outdoor PTA Christmas Market. Could everyone please cross their fingers for an evening of dry skies and low winds!


Thank you, 


Matthew Kirk

Headteacher, Clatford CE Primary School 

Goodworth Clatford, Andover, (01264) 352091

"Learn and grow together with love, respect and belief."



  • Clatford Church of England Primary School
  • Village Street, Goodworth Clatford, Andover
  • Hampshire, SP11 7RE
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