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Clatford Church of England

Primary School

Learn and Grow Together with Love, Respect and Courage

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Our Community


The school belongs to many school groups. This includes the Andover Area Partnership for Learning and the Rural Schools Partnership. Clatford Primary School is also an associate and Governance board member of a local Initial Teacher Training consortium and trains teachers in association with Winchester University. Through working in partnership with other schools we can share our expertise, share resources and strive for continuous improvement by sharing best practice to the benefit of all our children.


Parent Teacher Association

Clatford School has a strong Parent and Teacher Association (PTA). As parents you will automatically become members of the PTA and will be invited to join the organising committees. They arrange a variety of children’s, adult, family social and fundraising events throughout the school year, including the annual summer fete and Christmas fair.

The PTA funds extra resources for the school. Recent purchases have included computers, part of the landscaping project, classroom and play equipment, books and PE apparatus. They play a vital role in the school.

Partnership with Parents and Children

Your child has already received a crucial part of his/her education before they begin school and your own teaching is an important foundation for the education they receive here. We welcome your views and the chance to discuss your child’s progress with you. We hold a parents evening each term and invite you to make other appointments when you wish to discuss your child with the teachers or Headteacher. If your child has a specific educational need you will be invited to attend more frequent reviews. As parents, you will also be kept informed about the school activities through our website, regular newsletters, fliers, Governors’ Newsletter and termly teacher letters.


The partnership between home and school is an essential part of the beliefs of our school. When a child enters Clatford School the parents and carers are asked to sign a Home – School Agreement which outlines what the school is trying to achieve and how they can help. The child signs up to the code of conduct which are our golden rules of behaviour.


All pupils will be expected to complete homework tasks set by their teachers. They are part of a wider partnership between our parents and the school where we count on parental support to meet our aims. The Staff and Governing Body seek to create an environment in the school which encourages and reinforces good behaviour. Society expects good

behaviour as an important outcome of the educational process and the school has a well-defined behaviour policy.



Clatford School is an integral part of the local community. As a church school we have strong links with St. Peters Church and All Saints Church; we have representatives from parents, churches, local education authority, local businesses and the community on our Governing Body; we collaborate with the Parish Council; and we work together on local projects.





  • Clatford Church of England Primary School
  • Village Street, Goodworth Clatford, Andover
  • Hampshire, SP11 7RE
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