As an aided school, Religious Education is essential from Foundation Stage through to Year 6 to give the children opportunities to think about, explore and speak about how they think and act in the world. We follow the Hampshire guidance of Living Difference with Understanding Christianity as a resource to use within the syllabus, to support deepening the children’s Christian understanding.
Where possible, teaching and learning creates a journey and a process of enquiry. This enquiry can be explored in many creative ways with activities embellished by the teacher. Evidence of the children and young people’s progress being captured in a number of ways, for example through speaking and listening, drama, dialogue and discussion, as well as through a variety of different written activities. The the age-related expectations are intended to act as a guide to the assessment of children and young people’s progress.
Religious Education is seen as supporting the development, learning and growth of each child, aiding them in their interpretation of human experiences and existing in the world. It has a special place in our curriculum, giving opportunities to explore and enquire about questions, meaning and relationships in life. The students’ own experience, ideas and continuing search for meaning is encouraged and supported. The purpose of Religious Education is to help pupils to reflect upon the experiences and the mysteries of life and the contribution of religious and spiritual dimensions and their own experience within it.