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Clatford Church of England

Primary School

Learn and Grow Together with Love, Respect and Courage

Get in touch

10th May 2024

Dear Parents and carers,


It has been a short but very busy week this week but I think one of the highlights for me was the police visit in Year R. There were sirens, handcuffs, hats and high-vis as the PC and PCSO answered lots of the children’s questions. A big thank you to them for taking the time to visit our school.


Sun Safety

Now that we are beginning to see warmer days again, I wanted to remind you about the school’s approach to sun safety.


On days where we are likely to have a lot of sun, please apply sunscreen to your child before they leave for school in the morning. Please send sunscreen into school in a clearly labelled bottle in your child’s school bag (in a waterproof bag in case of leaks) ready for when it needs to be reapplied. Where possible please could your child practice so that they are able to reapply this for themselves. However, we do know that some children, particularly in our younger year groups, may need adult support to do this.


When we have particularly warm days outside, we will also be encouraging the children to split their time on the playground and field between our shaded and unshaded areas. We will also be encouraging them to drink more fluids as the weather warms up in order to keep them safe and hydrated.


To summarise:

  • If it’s going to be a sunny day, apply sunscreen to your child.
  • Send your child to school with a clearly labelled bottle so that they can reapply it themselves if possible.
  • We will help your child reapply sunscreen if they need support.

Notes from the PTA

We have our first clothing collection coming up at school, to raise funds for the PTA. I know this is something some other local schools have been doing for a while and it is a chance to recycle unused clothing in a way that benefits the school. Please could you have a look at the attached poster for more details.


In addition to this, please see the notes below from the PTA regarding the upcoming colour run.

A few people have asked us about siblings joining in the fun run. On this occasion we are going to keep it as present Clatford children only.


This is due to it being the first event of its kind that we’ve run and needing to keep the numbers to a sensible level to ensure safety and enjoyment for all.  We hope you all understand and we can not wait to see you all on the 22nd June running, with huge smiley, colour filled faces 

Thank you to all that have handed in your slips and payment for the event already! Don’t forget to hand them in by the deadline Friday 24th May, any after this date will not be processed. 

 If anyone has lost/misplaced their sponsorship form, there are spares in the school office.

 Timings for the runs are as follows: (Please be kind on the day, We will try our best to run as close to schedule as possible!)

 Year R 11.15-11.45

Year 1 & 2 11.45-12.15 

Year 3&4 12.15-12.45 

Year 5&6 12.45-1.15 

Please arrive to the designated area (which will be clearly marked on the day) for a warm up beforehand. 

 Each group has 30 min allocated to them You can do as many laps within this time as you can (remembering it is NOT a race!) 

Here are some recommended laps 

Year R - 1+ 

Year 1&2 - 2+ 

Year 3&4 - 3+ 

Year 5&6 - 3+

REMEMBER NO SUNGLASSES, NO RUNNING! This includes those who may need to accompany their child around.


Next week Year 6 undertake their SATs, which all children take at the end of KS2. I just wanted to say how impressed I have been with the whole class this year. As a group, and without exception, they have incredible attitudes to their learning, showing dedication, maturity and resilience. They set a great example for the rest of the school when it comes to their approach to learning and set the bar high when it comes to demonstrating our Clatford Values. Year 6 … you are amazing!


School Council

As I write this, the school council are meeting to consider how we might develop ‘the boat area’ in our school playground, which is currently closed off and in need of replacement.  I know they have had some fantastic ideas.



I have added all of next year’s INSET days to the school calendar as I know this can help with planning childcare. Please make a note of them in your diaries.


Thank you all for your continued support of the school and I hope you all have a safe and enjoyable weekend. 


Yours sincerely


Mr M Kirk

























Dates for your Diary


6th May: Bank Holiday

13th May: Year 5 Residential (2 nights)

13th May: Year 6 SATs week

14th May: YR Hillier’s Arboretum Trip

22nd May: Music Afternoon

24th May 9am Clothing Collection for PTA

7th June: Year 4 Camping

11th June: Y2 Living Rainforest Trip

19th June: Y6 Cathedral Visit

22nd June: Colour Run

25th June Class Photos

26th June: Y1 and Y4 Solar Farm Workshops

27th June: Y1 and Y4 Solar Farm Trips

28th June: Y1 Country Dancing

28th June: Y3 Kew Gardens Trip

1st July: KS2 Production, All KS2 children dropped off and picked up at the Lights

2nd July: Y6 Transition Day (Secondary Schools Visits to John Hanson, Winton and Harrow Way)

2nd July/3rd July: KS2 Production, evening performances

3rd July: Y5 Harrow Way Taster Day Trip

4th July: Y4 River Dip Trip

5th July: Sports Day (All parents welcome from 1pm)

7th July: Y6 Residential to Osmington Bay (3 nights)

10th July: Year 2 Gymnastics Festival (Date to be confirmed)

15th-16th July: Y6 Bikeability

17th July: Y6 Leavers Service 1:45pm, St. Peter’s Church (Y6 parents only)

23rd July: Last day of term

2nd September: INSET Day

3rd September: Children return to school and start in their new year groups.

4th October: INSET Day

28th October – 1st November: Autumn Half-Term

2nd December: INSET Day

23rd December – 3rd January: Christmas Holiday

6th January: INSET Day

17th February – 21st of February: Spring Half Term

7th April – 21st April: Easter Holiday

23rd May: INSET Day

26th May – 30th May: Summer Half Term

23rd July – 2nd September: Summer Holiday


  • Clatford Church of England Primary School
  • Village Street, Goodworth Clatford, Andover
  • Hampshire, SP11 7RE
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