25th October 2024
Dear Parents and carers,
It is the end of our autumn half-term and I know the children will all be ready to have their week’s break.
Thank you to Mrs. Armstrong for hosting our ‘Cuppa with SENCO’ event last night. I know we have one more of these this year and it does offer a great chance to find out what we do to support our SEN children in school.
We took our greatest number of children ever to cross-country on Wednesday and they did us exceptionally proud across the board. I was privileged enough to go with them and the effort and determination I witnessed was staggering. The results came in this morning and I must say, given the much larger schools we were competing against, Clatford did exceptionally well!
Lower KS2 Boys: 2nd Place
Upper KS2 Boys: 1st Place
Lower KS2 Girls: 3rd Place
Upper KS2 Girls: 1st Place
There were some impressive individual performances with one child coming 2nd overall in the mixed Year 3/4 boys race and another winning the Year 5 boys event.
Year 3 visited Stonehenge yesterday and were filled with stories from their visit when I chatted to them today. Thank you to all the parents who volunteered to help on the day to make the trip possible.
We held an open morning for prospective Year R children this week and, as usual, Year 6 and Year 5 children gave potential parents of the school their first tours of Clatford. Words like ‘articulate’, ‘confident’, ‘polite’ and ‘helpful’ were used in abundance when I asked parents on the way out how their tours had gone. We had our largest ever turn out for an open-morning at the school. Thank you so much to those children who articulated their views of the school so well for the people they showed around.
I hope you all make it out to support the bake sale later. I can’t think of a better way to end the half-term than with a slice of cake.
On the 8th November we will be holding a school remembrance service in the afternoon. If any children are associated with cubs, scouts, cadets, brownies, beavers, rainbows or other similar organisations then please feel free to come to school in your appropriate uniform that day.
Wishing you all a happy and healthy half-term and looking forward to see you all when we return on the 4th November.
Mr M Kirk
Dates for your Diary
28th October – 1st November: Autumn Half-Term
5th and 6th of November: Face-to-face Parents Evenings (Y6)
6th and 7th of November: Face-to-Face Parents Evening (YR-5)
8th November: Remembrance Service
11th – 15th of November: Anti-Bullying Week
12th November: School Bookfair
15th November: Children in Need
18th November: Y4 Tree planting
21st November: Y6 Trip to Steam Museum
21st November: School Disco
25th November: Y4 Trip to Ufton Court
26th November: Whole School Flu Immunisation
29th November – School Christingle Service
2nd December: INSET Day
11th December: Year R Nativity (9:30am) Y1/2 Nativity (2pm)
12th December: Y1/2 Nativity (9:45am)
12th December: Cuppa with SENCO
18th December: School Carol Concert (end of the school day)
19th December: Pantomime Day
20th December: School Christmas Dinner
23rd December – 3rd January: Christmas Holiday
6th January: Return to School
15th January: Y5 Trip to Intech, Science Museum
5th February: Y3 Fishbourne Roman Palace
17th February – 21st of February: Spring Half Term
10th March: Y2 Windsor Castle
19th March: Y3 Orchestra Unwrapped
26th March: Y3 Pizza Express
3rd – 4th April: Y6 Bikeability
7th April – 21st April: Easter Holiday
29th April: YR Trip to Hillier Gardens
26th May – 30th May: Summer Half Term
10th June: Y2 Living Rainforest
17th June: Class photos
18th June: Y3 Trip to Kew Gardens
19th June: Y6 Leavers Service at Winchester Cathedral
30th June – 2nd July KS2 Play
6th – 9th July: Y6 Residential to Osmington Bay
21st July – 2nd September: Summer Holiday (including 2 INSET days on 21st and 22nd July)