6th December 2024
6th December 2024
Dear Parents and carers,
Your children have definitely brought the Christmas cheer with them this week, with their cards and carolling. The post-box is now in the reception area, ready for children to post any cards they have written. Don’t forget to put the class name on each envelope so that these can be sorted.
Hampshire Music Service wrote to us this week to see if we could help them with a festive endeavour. A local band is doing a rendition of ‘The Snowman’ and they wanted some local children to help. Of course we volunteered and now we have a group of Upper Key Stage 2 children, gearing up for rehearsals and getting ready to perform. I think that will be quite special, so a big thanks to those of you who have agreed to help.
In last week’s letter I asked you to let me know if you would like to attend our Cuppa with SENCO event on Thursday after school. If you are thinking of attending, please fill in the form using the link below:
We have been very lucky to get the Primary Behaviour Service in to talk to you all.
I am sure you haven’t forgotten that next week is nativity week. I am looking forward to seeing Year R,1 and 2 share their retelling of the Christmas story. They will also be performing their nativities for the rest of the school on Monday.
On the last day of term, we have our school Christmas dinner. There is music, there is singing and there are party hats! School governors will be there to help us provide table service for the children. If your child would like to wear a Christmas jumper to school that day, then they are more than welcome to do so. We are expecting it to be a jolly occasion!
Wishing you a peaceful weekend,
Mr M Kirk
Dates for your Diary
11th December: Year R Nativity (10am) Y1/2 Nativity (2pm)
12th December: Y1/2 Nativity (10am)
12th December: Cuppa with SENCO (3.30- 4.30pm)
18th December: School Carol Concert (gates open at 2.45pm, finished 3:45 – form below if your child can’t attend)
19th December: Pantomime Day (full school uniform)
20th December: School Christmas Dinner (Christmas Jumpers if you would like)
23rd December – 3rd January: Christmas Holiday
6th January: Return to School
15th January: Y5 Trip to Intech, Science Museum
22nd January: YR to Y2 Drama Workshop (in school)
5th February: Y3 Fishbourne Roman Palace
17th February – 21st of February: Spring Half Term
10th March: Y2 Windsor Castle
19th March: Y3 Orchestra Unwrapped
25th March: YR Longdown Activity Farm
26th March: Y3 Pizza Express
3rd – 4th April: Y6 Bikeability
7th April – 21st April: Easter Holiday
29th April: YR Trip to Hillier Gardens
26th May – 30th May: Summer Half Term
10th June: Y2 Living Rainforest
17th June: Class photos
18th June: Y3 Trip to Kew Gardens
19th June: Y6 Leavers Service at Winchester Cathedral
30th June – 2nd July KS2 Play
6th – 9th July: Y6 Residential to Osmington Bay
21st July – 2nd September: Summer Holiday (including 2 INSET days on 21st and 22nd July)